Couleecap, our area’s Community Action Agency since 1966, has served 1 million people in Crawford, La Crosse, Monroe, and Vernon Counties since opening its doors to fight poverty. The milestone was recently announced in the latest annual report titled, “A Million Reasons”, which highlights stories of people served by the agency.

Executive Director of Couleecap, Hetti Brown, joined the Morning Buzz to share the great news, their impact on our community, and how we can help!

Couleecap takes action to find innovative strategies to combat poverty. They are People Helping People, and every day their work makes a difference in the lives of people and families throughout the Coulee Region. Couleecap has developed, launched, and operated more than 247 programs in the Coulee Region since it opened. Those programs have focused on housing, food, employment, education, energy, transportation, and more.

If you’re able, you can support by volunteering at one of their food pantries or the Couleecap Tenant and Landlord Resource Office, making a land or monetary donation, or simply following on Facebook to spread news about their work.

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By mykct