
Hiya ALEJ, thanks for joining us in the virtual RGM lounge today, grab a brew and take a seat. 

What made you decide that music is a thing for you? – Back when I was little, I used to sit down in my room and turn on a webcam to record myself singing covers of various popular songs. Then one day, my sister heard me singing “Blank Space” by Taylor Swift and encouraged me to create my own music using GarageBand. This resulted in me writing my first song in the span of 2 hours. I haven’t stopped since then! 

Introduce us to you all and your musical history

I am a singer-songwriter who sings mostly about whatever life throws at me. I also have a BIT of a background in musical theatre and I was in an ensemble as a teen.

What’s the live music scene like in Miami right now? Anyone we should be looking out for (Bar you of course)

The music scene is Miami is truly like no other! What I love about it most is that everyone seems to know each other here. Genre-wise, Latin pop and reggaeton are the most dominant genres due to the high Latin American population here. (Myself included, I am Cuban American and proud! 💙

I’ve seen a lot of people struggling for support recently online. Whats your view on the industry?

Yes it’s true, unfortunately I do believe the industry is massively over saturated so getting any kind of support online can be very difficult. What I do to not let it get to me though is make myself my only competition, no one else. 

Where do you feel you currently sit within the music industry?

That’s a very interesting question. I honestly am not sure where I lie within the equation. I will say that I definitely thrive in the pop music space. 

Tell us Two truths and a lie about you

I eat a lemon like an apple, I have a new album coming out this year, I’m good at math 

Do you ever worry about people taking things the wrong way or cancel culture? Discuss….

Cancel culture is honestly one of my biggest fears as an artist. I feel like there’s nothing worse than feeling misunderstood by what feels like the entire world. 

Do you sign up to any conspiracy theories? If not why not?

I do sign up to a couple, although I’d say we take everything we read with a pinch of salt. 

What was your best experience on stage?

When I was in high school, I sang my debut single “Too Famous for Me” as a part of my theatre revue. The performance itself was relatively simple, however the audience absolutely love it and it just felt so rewarding! 

What was your worst experience on stage?

Last year, I performed my song “Neptune” at my music academy’s end of year recital. I like to think I did well, but I was going through a really difficult breakup at the time. Thus I was sad the whole event and didn’t really get to put my heart into the performance as I normally would. 

Tell us something about you / each member that you think people would be surprised about

I guess I’m giving away a truth for this one, but I can bite into a lemon like an apple haha! 

What are the next steps you plan to take as a band to reach the next level? – I plan on releasing multiple singles throughout the year before the album comes along hopefully by the end of this year! I have a lot in store and I can’t wait for people to hear it! 

I hear you have a new music, what can you tell us about it.

The song “Electric Heaven” came along when I was going through a very difficult breakup. I spent all last summer just kind of wallowing about it and then my friend invited me to out to a bar. Me and her just decided to go all out and we ended up getting wasted by the end of the night. I didn’t really mean to, but it almost felt like a “release” of all the sadness and heartbreak I endured that entire summer. 

What was the recording process like?

I started the recording process by having my producer, Chris Adams, create the instrumental from his studio in South Carolina. Once that was completed, I took it to my other producer whose worked on my previous music, Andrei Sora, to record vocals and mix and master the track. 

What was the biggest learning curve in writing the new tunes?

That writing from the title can give you the best ideas! 

Would you change anything now it’s finished?


Is there anything else you would like to share with the world?

Be sure to stay tuned in, this single is just the tip of the iceberg and I got a LOT of new music coming out this year! 


🇺🇸  RGM USA 🇺🇸


By mykct